The Let's Play Archive

MySims Kingdom

by Picayune

Part 76: Second Time Around: Renee's Nature Preserve/Cowboy Junction, Part 1

Second Time Around: Renee's Nature Preserve/Cowboy Junction, Part 1

To Renee's with us!

: What? I thought YOU brought it!

: Calm down, I was just kidding. Good thing I have this magic bag. I'll just whip us up some sandwiches.

: Sandwiches again? I want candy!

We arrive!

Oh. I, uh. Forgot I did that.

: Also, we need to drive people through the gift shop.

Sell me that grouchy penguin cookie jar, Renee. Sell it to me right now. Anyway!

Fun, Cute, Domestic. Easy enough. Sam can even leave traces of bacon in the back rooms.

: Thanks a bunch! My visitors are bound to love this place now! You're the best, Sam!

Renee leaves and heads over to the bear pits.

: Hey, Sam. Percy's pen is looking so great, I was thinking the bears might get jealous! Do you think you could make the Nature Walk look a little nicer?

By 'make it look nicer' she means 'slap a bunch of paint on it', of course. In fact, she wants more things painted than there are things to paint. Sam gets around this little problem by adding some extra fences and a lower observation deck, then painting these things.

: Thanks so much, Sam. I'm sure the bears will love it!


: I've got bad news for you, Sam. Percy is displeased with his pen. He demands finer accomodations immediately.

Renee then proceeds to glitch, handing us two missions at once. I did eventually manage to straighten things out.

: Ms. Prissykins hasn't been sleeping well lately. I don't think her living quarters are quite up to her standards. Do you think you could help?

Sam repaints Percy's pen from bacon to cowhide. This is apparently cute enough to work.

: Much better! Now that's a pen fit for a prizewinner!

Ms. Prissykins wants Elegance and paint; she gets Elegant paint and a couple of nice columns to round things out.

: Thanks, Sam. I think Ms. Prissykins looks sooooo much happier. Don't you?

Apparently not happy enough, though!

: I'm feeding them their usual diet: five hundred pounds of licorice and gumdrops per day! But... Percy loves his candy! You gotta help me!

Aw, a life lesson. Sam starts out by admiring the park. Can't hurt to butter her up a bit first.

Sam tactfully brings up Percy's hilarious size...

... then discusses the negative aspects of sugar...

... then tries to discuss ecotourism, which makes Renee feel Friendly again but doesn't actually advance Sam's agenda, then brings up Percy's diet...

... then tells her to feed her pets veggies instead, forcing Sam to reiterate why five hundred pounds of substandard candy per day might not be the healthiest diet, leading him to offer pet advice...

... which leads to Renee being rational enough to listen to us!

Renee writes this down. Don't... feed... pets... candy. Got it.

A lot of Sims don't actually say anything when they give you your Best Friend Reward. It's like the game designers didn't think sidequests were as important or something.

She gives us this shorts outfit and matching hat. That shirt rules. I want one.

Let's go let some cowboys push us around, as long as we're on a roll!

: Um... is it 'Sam'?

: Omigosh! How did you get that one?

: ...

: Lucky guess?

We land! The sheriff's office is right there by the docks, so let's go there first. Hey, Ginny! What's up?

: My Lil' Sheriff's Manual also says that to prevent prison riots and jailbreaks, the best way to keep locked-up bad guys in line is to distract them with fun stuff!

Sounds legit!

: Say, would ya mind adding some fun things to do inside the jail?

You mean, like, hot tubs?

Sam also puts down a regular tub and Ginny hops right in. If someone takes a bath in a regular old not-a-hot-tub bathtub, a Superkelp will sometimes squeeze out of the running faucet. Gross. This is probably the rarest Essence in this game, and thus it's worth a whopping 24 Mana per.


: Whew! That'll make runnin' the jail a lot easier now. Thanks!

And then!

: Well howdy there, Sam! My Lil' Sheriff's Manual says that if there's one thing bad guys can't stand, it's Cute stuff! They're terrified of it! So, if I wanna make those varmints fear the long arm of the law, we gotta add some Cuteness to the outside of my jailhouse!

Also legit.

Flowers, windowboxes, and butterflies. That's pretty cute.

: Yeehaw! Now that jailhouse is so Cute, bad guys'll be running' for the border!


I'm guessing that we should play Good & Bad Guys. I mean, I guess even bad guys can have tea parties, but try getting that past Ginny.

Bad Guy Sam has shot Sheriff Ginny!

Sheriff Ginny collapses, mortally wounded! But since we're just playing, she bounces to her feet again a moment later.

Good guys probably don't steal stuff. Let's arrest someone. Anyone.

I don't think Ginny is the CSI type. Chase scene!

... yeah, who am I kidding, we're rappeling from the roof now.

Well, pretend rappeling. We're only playing, after all.

Hands up, you varmint!!

Ginny also says nothing when she gives us our present.


The Modern Cowboy look, neckerchiefs and all. ... I like that brown jacket, and the hat we got from Renee keeps it from looking too costume-y.

Let's wear it!